Removal of corns in Kyiv
Corns are a fairly common problem faced by both men and women. They can cause pain and significant discomfort while walking. If you are faced with this problem, you should not try to solve it on your own. At the SEIZÓ salon in Kyiv, we offer a professional procedure for removing corns. Our specialists will help you get rid of unpleasant formations safely and effectively.
What does a callus look like?
A callus on the foot is a dense formation on the skin that has a rounded shape and clear boundaries. Visually, it resembles a small tubercle with rough epidermal layers that may have a yellow or white tint. The main feature of such a callus is a rod that looks like a small point or depression in the center. This rod penetrates deep into the tissue and can cause severe pain when pressed on the area.
Causes of corns
Most often, corns appear on the soles of the feet in the area of the toe pads, heels, between the toes, or on the sides. Their development is caused by prolonged mechanical impact on the skin. During friction or pressure, the upper layer of the epidermis thickens, forming a seal.
The main causes of corns include:
Narrow, tight or stiff shoes.
Wearing shoes without socks.
Deformation of the foot.
Excessive weight.
Prolonged walking or standing work.
Foreign objects in shoes (grains of sand, pebbles) or under the skin (splinters).
Age-related changes.
Lack of care for the skin of the feet.
If you do not eliminate the factors that provoke corns on the feet, they can reappear even after removal. Therefore, it is important not only to cure the callus itself, but also to choose comfortable shoes, take regular care of your feet, and correct orthopedic problems if necessary.
Safe removal of corns in Kyiv in the SEIZÓ salon
Removing corns on your own can lead to complications. That is why it is better to entrust this problem to professionals. Why is it worth signing up for a procedure at SEIZÓ?
We use sterile instruments and comply with all sanitary standards.
Our podiatrists have medical education and many years of experience.
The procedure is performed without surgery, and local anesthetics are used if necessary.
We not only remove the callus, but also work with its cause to prevent its recurrence.
After the procedure, you receive recommendations for further care and prevention.
The procedure for removing corns at SEIZÓ consists of the following stages:
Examination and diagnosis. At the appointment, the podiatrist assesses the patient's skin condition and determines the depth of ingrowth of the rod.
Treatment of the area. The skin is disinfected and prepared for the procedure.
Hardware corn removal. Using a special apparatus and drill bits, the podiatrist carefully removes the callus without injuring the surrounding tissue. It is important that the callus is completely removed, as even a small residual part of the rod can lead to its re-formation.
Treatment. After removal, the podiatrist applies an anti-inflammatory or antifungal agent to the formed depression to prevent the development of infections and speed up the healing process.
Recommendations for care. After the procedure, the specialist gives advice on foot care and choosing the right shoes.
In SEIZÓ, you can make an appointment not only for the removal of corns, but also for procedures that will help prevent this problem.
Recommendations after corn removal
To prevent its reappearance after the removing corns, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:
Choose comfortable, loose and soft shoes.
Massage your feet.
Perform regular foot hygiene.
Moisturize the skin of the feet well.
Visit a medical pedicure on a regular basis.
Use orthopedic shoe inserts (in case of foot deformities).
Is the procedure for removing corns painful?
The procedure of cornus removal in the SEIZÓ salon is carried out using professional equipment and is practically painless. The nail technician works carefully, without injuring healthy tissues, and if necessary, can use anesthetics to maximize the client's comfort.
How to get rid of a callus?
The removal of corns should be performed by a podiatrist, as independent attempts can lead to complications. At SEIZÓ, this procedure is performed using a device and a drill bit, which are selected depending on the size of the callus. The specialist performs a complete cleaning of the affected area, and then treats the resulting depression with special antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agents to accelerate tissue healing.
How long does it take to remove a callus?
It takes 15 minutes to remove one corn in a SEIZÓ salon. The duration of the entire procedure depends on the number of problem areas.
Prices for the removal of corns in SEIZÓ
The salon SEIZÓ has a fixed price for the services of removing corns. Check out the current cost in the table below.
Removal of corns in Kiev
Removal of core callus
600 ₴
1 callus
Customer reviews
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