Japanese manicure in Kyiv
Natural beauty is back in fashion, and this applies not only to makeup or hair, but also to nails. Now trends say: leave complex designs in the past, only healthy, shiny nails that look flawless on their own. But how to achieve this effect? The secret is proper care. Imagine your nails not just looking healthy, but actually getting nourishment and strength. A Japanese manicure is just the service with which you can achieve such a result.
What is Japanese manicure?
Japanese manicure is a popular service designed to restore the nail plate and give your hands a neat, well-groomed look. For this purpose, natural products are used: mineral paste and powder based on beeswax. Mineral paste saturates nails with minerals and keratin, strengthens their structure and fills small damages. Polishing powder is applied after the paste, creates a protective layer and makes the nails shiny and smooth.
One of the key features of Japanese manicure is the long-lasting effect, which is enhanced with regular treatments. This type of care is ideal for thin and brittle nails, and is also recommended for their recovery after removal of gel-lacquer. Already after the first session of Asian care in the shop SEIZÓ in Kyiv you will see a noticeable result, which will certainly please you.
Features of Japanese manicure
The popularity of Japanese manicure and high appreciation of this procedure by clients of the salon SEIZÓ explained by its many advantages:
- Noticeable result. Nails get a healthy and well-groomed look, even if before the procedure, they have already been regularly cared for.
- Long-term effect. A repeat manicure will be required no sooner than in two weeks. Even if you refuse the procedure, the nails will retain their natural beauty for a long time.
- Revitalizing effect. Natural materials help to eliminate brittleness, dryness and delamination of nails, as well as toning and rejuvenating the skin of hands.
- Versatility. This type of manicure is suitable for everyone. The service can be done as women, including nursing moms, and men.
Stages of Japanese manicure in Kyiv in the salon SEIZÓ
The procedure of Japanese manicure in SEIZÓ consists of several consecutive stages:
- Hand treatment with disinfectants. This is an important step that is responsible for the safety of the procedure.
- Manicure execution. Depending on the client's wishes, manicure can be classic, apparatus or combined.
- Application of mineral paste. The paste helps to strengthen the nail plate, filling microcracks and saturating it with useful substances.
- Polishing. Using a special powder, nails are given a radiant shine and smoothness.
- Final care. The procedure is completed by peeling, application of oils and nutrients massage movements that moisturize the skin.
On a similar technology in the shop SEIZÓ in Kyiv Japanese pedicure is performed. It can be performed separately or in four hands simultaneously with manicure, if you want to save your time.
To enhance the effect, Japanese manicure is recommended to be combined with additional hand care procedures. These can be spa rituals, masks, scrubs, massage or paraffin wraps.
Beauty and perfection of Japanese manicure in SEIZÓ
In the SEIZÓ workshop in Kyiv Japanese manicure is not just a care. We have combined the Asian beauty ritual with modern technology so that you get the perfect result. Why book a procedure with us?
- Quality materials. We use only natural products based on beeswax, minerals and keratin.
- Professional masters. Our specialists are trained in all the subtleties of Japanese manicure techniques.
- Complex approach. The procedure includes treatment of the nail plate, cuticle, polishing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin.
- Safety. All metal instruments are sanitized, and we also use disposable materials.
- Relaxing atmosphere. Cozy interior of SEIZÓ salon, comfortable chairs and pleasant atmosphere turn the procedure into a real ritual of self-care.
Japanese manicure in SEIZÓ is a harmony of beauty, health and perfect service.
Price of Japanese manicure in Kyiv
SEIZÓ has fixed prices for Japanese manicure in Kyiv. Check out our price list below and choose the perfect care for your nails.
Is Japanese manicure better than ordinary manicure?
Japanese manicure differs from the usual manicure in that it is aimed at restoring and strengthening the nail plate. Instead of decorative coating during this procedure, natural components are used. These are special pastes and powders that help to improve the appearance of nails and strengthen them from the inside.
How to sign up for a Japanese manicure at SEIZÓ?
Signing up for a Japanese manicure at SEIZÓ is easy:
- Go to our website and click the «Book an appointment» button.
- Choose a convenient address of the salon in Kyiv (Pechersky or Shevchenkovsky district).
- Choose the service «Japanese manicure».
- Decide on the date and time of the procedure.
- Provide contact details to confirm your appointment.
You can also sign up for a Japanese manicure via our messengers, social media or contact number.
How long does a Japanese manicure take?
All stages of a Japanese manicure are performed in 90 minutes. This procedure includes nail treatment, application of mineral paste, polishing, and a final treatment to moisturize and nourish the skin of the hands.
Customer reviews
Дякую , спеціалістам Тетяні (подолог) та Ірині за виправлення всіх недоліків попередніх майстрів 🙌 Я отримала дійсно кваліфіковану послугу 🫶 Дівчата поцікавилися які в мене побажання і виконали їх у відведений час . Допомогли обрати для мене колір покриття, зробили укріплення))) Я дуже задоволена ☺️
все на вищому рівні! від смачного чаю в неймовірно гарному посуді до сервісу та стильного інтерʼєру! 💓 ви нова любов!
Масажист Кирило- просто супер! Дякую!
Дякую дівчата за вашу роботу! Окрема подяка майстру Ірині, уважна, приємна і старанна дівчина🤩❤️
Даша суперська, останній манік відносився ідеально🫶🏼
Дівчата ,ви круті ,неймовірна крута атмосфера ,команда майстрів неймовірні ♥️
Дівчата молодці, знайшли до мене підхід (так вийшло що я вибагливий клієнт), поки ходила до майстра-подолога Тетяни (дає гарні рекомендації, що допомагають) та майстра Ірини (швидко та якісно виконує послуги)
Дякую вам велике! Оля на Таня зробили нам з подругою супер вечір і супер нігтики ❤️