What is podology?
Podology is a branch of medicine that specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of foot and nail diseases. A podologist is a specialist who cares for the nails and skin of the feet, as well as treats problems such as ingrown nails, calluses, cracks, and fungal infections. Unlike an ordinary pedicurist, a podologist approaches these issues from a medical point of view and helps to eliminate not only external defects, but also their causes.
Podology considers the health of the feet as a whole, because the condition of the skin and nails can be associated with internal disorders, such as circulatory or hormonal problems. If necessary, the podologist refers the client to other doctors for additional examination.
What does a podologist treat?
A podologist is a specialist who diagnoses, treats and prevents diseases of the feet and nails. The main problems that are addressed to this specialist include:
Ingrown nails. The problem occurs due to wearing tight shoes, injury, or improper pedicure. The podologist painlessly removes the ingrown nail and installs special staples to correct its shape.
Calluses and corns. They appear due to constant pressure or friction. A podologist removes dead skin with a special device and selects the right care to prevent relapses.
Nail fungus. It is an infectious disease that changes the color, texture, and shape of the nail plate. A podologist cleans the damaged nail, treats it with antiseptics, and selects the appropriate treatment. If necessary, prosthetics of the nail is performed.
Cracks in the heels. They occur due to dry skin, uncomfortable shoes, or prolonged stress. A podologist repairs the cracks, treats the feet with moisturizers, and recommends skin care to restore the skin.
Hyperkeratosis. This is an excessive thickening of the skin that can cause discomfort and pain. The specialist performs hardware treatment of such areas and selects medicinal products for care.
Onychogryphosis. This is a pathology in which the nail plate is significantly thickened and deformed. The podologist removes the thickened part of the nail, treats the area with antiseptics, and helps restore the healthy appearance of the nail plate.
Onycholysis. A disease in which the nail plate detaches from the nail bed. The causes can be trauma, fungal infections, or chemical exposure. A podologist removes the exfoliated areas, treats the nail with antiseptic medications, and stimulates tissue repair.
If you are experiencing discomfort, pain, or aesthetic imperfections, a consultation with a podologist will help you resolve these issues quickly and safely.
Consultation of a podologist in the SEIZÓ beauty salon
Do you have problems with your feet or nails? In the SEIZÓ salon in Kyiv, you can get a professional consultation from a podologist, which includes:
Examination and diagnostics. The specialist examines the client and checks for cracks, calluses, corns, ingrown nails, or fungal infections. The general condition of the skin and nails is assessed.
Consultation and selection of treatment methods. The podologist explains the essence of the identified problems, voices the possible causes of their occurrence, and suggests methods of solution.
Estimating the cost of treatment. After that, the specialist informs the client about the cost of medical procedures.
Carrying out the treatment procedure. At the client's request, the nail technician immediately begins to perform the necessary manipulations — hardware processing, installation of corrective systems, or removal of dead skin.
Care recommendations. At the end of the appointment, the podologist provides recommendations for home foot and nail care that will help to avoid relapses.
When you make an appointment with a podologist at SEIZÓ salon, you can be sure of the high quality of services:
We diagnose the problem, select treatment and give advice for further care.
All procedures are performed with the help of professional devices, special tools, high-quality products and materials.
The treatment is selected taking into account the characteristics and needs of clients.
Our salon complies with all safety standards.
Make an appointment for a consultation with a podologist at SEIZÓ salon and take a step towards healthy, beautiful nails and feet with us!
When do I need to visit a podologist?
You should visit a podologist if you have the following problems:
Ingrown nails, discomfort or inflammation in the area of the nail plates.
Corns and calluses that cause pain or interfere with walking.
Cracks in the heels, dry and rough skin of the feet.
Fungal infections of nails or skin.
Deformation of nails, their thickening or destruction.
Detachment of the nail plate from the bed.
Diabetic foot syndrome.
Also, a podologist is consulted for the prevention of foot diseases in case of active physical exertion, wearing uncomfortable shoes or age-related changes.
Do I need to prepare before visiting a podologist?
No special preparation is required before visiting a podologist. However, it is recommended for a quality examination:
Remove any remaining nail polish or other coatings from your nails.
Wash your feet thoroughly, but do not steam them in hot water.
Do not use creams, oils, or other moisturizers before visiting a specialist.
You should also take a medical history of your disease. Write down what problems you are concerned about, describe the symptoms and indicate when they appeared, note what causes the pain to increase or decrease.
Can a podologist help with diabetic foot?
The problem of diabetic foot is usually solved by several specialists — an endocrinologist, a vascular surgeon, a neurologist and a podologist. A podologist plays an important role in the prevention of complications due to medical hardware pedicure. The procedure helps to improve the condition of the skin and nails, minimize the risk of developing trophic ulcers and inflammation, and prevent tissue necrosis. During the session, the specialist:
Treats the feet with sterile instruments and drill bits of various sizes.
Eliminates corns, cracks, and keratinized skin.
Corrects the shape of nails.
Prices for podology services in the SEIZÓ beauty salon
SEIZÓ salon has fixed prices for podology services. You can familiarize yourself with the cost of all procedures in the table below.
Medical hardware pedicure
1200 ₴
Removal of a core callus
600 ₴
Removal of ingrown toenail (stage 1)
600 ₴
1 nail
Removal of ingrown toenail (stages 2-3)
850 ₴
1 nail
Treatment of nails in onychogryphosis
600 ₴
1 nail
200 ₴
For feet, toes
Hardware treatment of the foot for hyperkeratosis/diabetic foot
750 ₴
Removal of onycholysis
500 ₴
1 nail
Podiatrist consultation
500 ₴
Tamponade installation (1 piece)
250 ₴
Treatment of deep cracks (heels)
650 ₴






Customer reviews
Дякую , спеціалістам Тетяні (подолог) та Ірині за виправлення всіх недоліків попередніх майстрів 🙌 Я отримала дійсно кваліфіковану послугу 🫶 Дівчата поцікавилися які в мене побажання і виконали їх у відведений час . Допомогли обрати для мене колір покриття, зробили укріплення))) Я дуже задоволена ☺️
все на вищому рівні! від смачного чаю в неймовірно гарному посуді до сервісу та стильного інтерʼєру! 💓 ви нова любов!
Масажист Кирило- просто супер! Дякую!
Дякую дівчата за вашу роботу! Окрема подяка майстру Ірині, уважна, приємна і старанна дівчина🤩❤️
Даша суперська, останній манік відносився ідеально🫶🏼
Дівчата ,ви круті ,неймовірна крута атмосфера ,команда майстрів неймовірні ♥️
Дівчата молодці, знайшли до мене підхід (так вийшло що я вибагливий клієнт), поки ходила до майстра-подолога Тетяни (дає гарні рекомендації, що допомагають) та майстра Ірини (швидко та якісно виконує послуги)
Дякую вам велике! Оля на Таня зробили нам з подругою супер вечір і супер нігтики ❤️